It has become very obvious to me that our TV and other News Media intend to control our lives. I gave up reading my local newspaper because I became so tired of reading what ever slant "They" wanted to put on what they print. The TV News Media is just as bad. As I have posted earlier, they decided to put down Mr. Beck for a 'showman' , orating about returning to American values of faith and wholesomeness of family. While at the same time shining a light upon Al Sharpton for preaching racial prejudice of "They can't do that to US !!!"
Now the latest news about how wrong the Preacher from Florida is for planning to burn some Korans and attempting to establish a communication with the Imam that wants to put a Muslim Mosque within site of the Ground Zero Site. They mean to shame and belittle the American people by printing and broadcasting that the Koran burning would only incite Muslim's around the world to protest, bomb and kill Americans. Uhhhh..... HELLO !!! I believe the Muslim Religion had declared war (JIHAD) and death to ALL AMERICANS a long time ago. Does the American people think that burning a few editions of their "MY GOD IS BETTER THAN YOUR GOD SO THEREFORE I KILL YOU" Koran, will bring world peace ??? I think not.... And, to make things worse, our media wants us to crumble under the weight of 'Freedom of Religion'. What our country is based on, and blah blah blah..... I am NOT a religious man. But, I do believe in freedom of religion, and the right of every individual to worship in their own way. But, I don't believe that the News Media should build the "Trojan Horse" that allows a religion to continue to infringe on MY rights. A religion that has declared WAR and DEATH upon me and my fellow Americans. Are we supposed to welcome them with the open arms of love, only to let them blow our asses to Hell ????
I think we need to think about it.... REALLY. Does our News Media report the news, or do they control what we see and hear ???? Who are the Terrorists of the World ??? I feel we need to start inprisoning people who continue to be, in my mind, TREASONESS acts upon our country. But, alas.... That would take our government to commit an act of responsibility. But that is another story..........